Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The Sound of the Moment - Wye Oak 'Civilian'

It doesn't sound like anyone so we can't have any witty banter. All I know is the band formed in 2006, but I'd never heard of them until the other day. Sotheyformedtheotherday.

The Strokes - Angles

It's The Strokes. It's outstanding. EverythingCasablancasdoesis.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The Sound of the Moment - Yaaks 'HRHRHYTHM'

Hello potential ★★★★-er. This piece of music is very Foals like, though obviously not as good. It does however have one of those chorus hooks where you have no idea what he's saying. All I can make out is something like 'her eyes in my ear'. A bit like in 'Hey Cool Kid' by Cloud Nothings. Whatthefuckishesaying.com

Monday, 7 March 2011

The Sound of the Moment - Benjamin Francis Leftwich

It's quite nice. The EP is rather polished in a Good Old War sort of way. He sounds like Isbells and S. Carey died, were buried, and then Justin Vernon took a shit on their grave. BecausejustJustinVernon'sshitisbetterthananythinghe'lleverdo.